More than a second edition to the groundbreaking Rocket Stoves to Heat Cob Buildings, the new book Rocket Mass Heaters, Superefficient Woodstoves You Can Build (And Snuggle Up To) is the most comprehensive book available on the subject of Rocket Stoves. Here's a superefficient wood fired heater you can build for yourself in a weekend for less than a hundred dollars. This book explains in detail exactly how to build one, then how to use it in a range of applications. We discuss materials, where to find them, what to pay and how to make use of found and recycled parts. The section on fire and fuels is thorough but simple, we tried to keep away from numbers whenever possible. There are success stories, case studies, references and where to find further information, all heavily illustrated and with four full pages of color photographs. Home heating can be expensive both in capital equipment and in running costs. If we heat by gas, oil or electricity we're supporting a big corporation and impoverishing ourselves. New woodstoves are no longer craftsman-made locally. When we buy them, we are paying a distant corporation which sometimes ships them in from Europe. Wood for heating usually supports the local economy and is a completely renewable resource. By building an extra efficient heating system you will be one more big step off the treadmill and your move to self-sufficiency and true wealth. Good luck with your stove!
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